In 2019 Catch Reports

Week Commencing:  5th July 2019

Catch Report and Comments: 

Arrived at the lake after a long 16 hr drive across the tunnel and through France all the way from Doncaster.

Set the rods up Saturday morning and had a couple of hours with no joy. Night fished Saturday night and had a cat around 10:30pm followed by 2x carp Sunday morning 05:30 am + 08:30 am.

Very hot throughout the days so not much fishing till later on, Night fished the majority of the week with most bites coming at late evening or early morning.

Temps high 28-30º throughout the days. Lost 2 fish and missed one. Plenty of activity around the island mid day but hard to get a bite.

Thanks Gary for your hospitality what a wonderful little place to spend the week.

Mirror: 24 lb 15oz, 21 lb 8 oz

Catfish – 15lb, 12lb, 3-4lb
